DVD:Yoga Now System (W Book) (3pc) (W/Book) を通販で購入する(通信販売で予約する)

[トップページへ戻る][2005-09-01のランキング] キーワード:[Yoga]←を探す


↓↓↓↓Yoga Now System (W Book) (3pc) (W/Book)↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Yoga Now System (W Book) (3pc) (W/Book)


Video Description

Yoga Now begins with yoga-cardio fusion: fat burning cardio workout techniques plus the power of yoga to create lean muscle and a healthy sense of self. Plus, it includes the tools you need to keep achieving success on any busy schedule. This is the system you can realistically follow every day of your life.

20 year practicioner and actress Mariel Hemingway and acclaimed yoga expert Rodney Yee have combined the best of yoga, cardio and nutrition in Yoga Now, a system anyone can do. This is America's yoga, totally demystified for the comfort and confidence youneed to stick withthe program. Youll even find special viewing options that keep up with your skills: one focused on using simple yoga tools to make poses easier to achieve, plus three segment you can view with verbal instruction once you are familiar witht the sequences. You don't have to turn yourself into a pretzle to make it work and you don't ahave to deprive your self to loose weight with Yoga Now. With four complete yoga practices and tools that give you the support and inspiration you need every day, Yoga Now makes it easy to succeed at unveiling your true yoga-fit body. Recommit to being true to you.


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↓↓↓↓Yoga Now System (W Book) (3pc) (W/Book)↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Yoga Now System (W Book) (3pc) (W/Book)
↑↑↑↑Yoga Now System (W Book) (3pc) (W/Book)↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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