DVD:Crossroads Guitar Festival (2pc) を通販で購入する(通信販売で予約する)

[トップページへ戻る][2005-09-04のランキング] キーワード:[Crossroads]←を探す


↓↓↓↓Crossroads Guitar Festival (2pc)↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Crossroads Guitar Festival (2pc)



   最大の見どころは、滅多にお目にかかれない意外なコラボレーションの数々だろう。ジョー・ウォルシュとテイラーは「Steamroller Blues」で茶目っ気を見せ、ブッカー・T.&MG'sは陽気な「Rocky Mountain Way」でジョー・ウォルシュを、熱気あふれる「The Neighborhood」でロス・ロボスのデヴィッド・イダルゴをサポート。クラプトンはJ.J.ケイル、カルロス・サンタナとそれぞれ共演するほか、ロバート・クレイ、ジミー・ヴォーン、ヒューバート・サムリン、B.B.キング、バディ・ガイとブルースの頂上対決を展開、拍手喝さいを浴びる。参加者全員にとって、クラプトンはよき共演相手だ。
   いくつか欠点もある。たとえば、時系列に従った構成になっていないため、異なるステージ、日程、バック・バンドが一緒くたにされ、全編に散りばめられたクラプトン自身の演奏と混在している。Z・Z・トップによるクロージングが少々盛り上がりに欠けるのもそのせいだ。それに、収録時間の都合で割愛された部分は多い。しかし、それぞれのパフォーマンスの素晴らしさがそんな不満を帳消しにする。録音・撮影ともに優秀なこのDVDなら、一生に一度しかなさそうな出来事を特等席気分で体験できるはず。(Hal Horowitz, Amazon.com)


Although it could have been twice as long, this double-DVD set effectively captures over three hours of highlights from one of the most comprehensive and diverse collection of guitarists ever assembled for a single event. Recorded over three days in June of 2004 to benefit Eric Clapton's Crossroads Center in Antigua (as do the sales of this set), the show is not surprisingly heavy on the rootsy blues and country that comprise Clapton's primary inspirations. But it also includes folk (James Taylor), gospel (Robert Randolph & the Family Band), fret-shredding rockers (Steve Vai who delivers a dazzling performance), jazz (John McLaughlin), and, most interestingly, Indian classical music (a stunning piece from Vishwa Mohan Bhatt).

Most compelling are the rare and sometimes unusual collaborations. Joe Walsh and Taylor clown around on "Steamroller Blues," and Booker T. & the M.G.'s back both Joe Walsh on a rollicking "Rocky Mountain Way" and Los Lobos' David Hidalgo tearing into a sizzling "The Neighborhood." Clapton and J.J. Cale share the stage as do Clapton and Carlos Santana, and a show-stopping blues summit with Robert Cray, Jimmie Vaughan, Hubert Sumlin, B.B. King, Buddy Guy, and Clapton is a treat for all involved.

There are some shortcomings. The event isn't presented in chronological order--different stages, days, and backing bands are shuffled with Clapton's own set scattered throughout--ZZ Top's closing is a bit anticlimactic, and there are many omissions due to time constraints. But every act rises to the occasion, and this expertly recorded and shot DVD gives the viewer a front-row seat to a once-in-a-lifetime experience. --Hal Horowitz

Video Description

In June 2004, some of the greatest living guitar players and their bands gathered at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Texas, for a three-day festival to benefit the Crossroads Centre in Antigua. It was the ultimate concert for any music lover, featuring one legend after the other: Eric Clapton, BB King, Buddy Guy, Eric Johnson, James Taylor, Jimmie Vaughan, Joe Walsh, John Mayer, Robert Cray, Robert Randolph, Santana, ZZ Top, and many more. This 2-DVD set beautifully documents the event and contains over 4 hours of content. Planned extras include in-depth artist interviews, a mini-documentary, photo gallery, alternate angle, and more. Royalties from the DVD sales will benefit the Crossroads Center.


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↓↓↓↓Crossroads Guitar Festival (2pc)↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Crossroads Guitar Festival (2pc)
↑↑↑↑Crossroads Guitar Festival (2pc)↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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