Songs in the Key of Life [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMA
76年発表、クラシックとしての風格さえ漂う、彼の最高傑作とされる2枚組大作。とにかく単純に魅力的な曲が、これでもかと詰まっているすばらしいアルバム。 DISC1は荘厳な<1>、スロウファンクで神を賛美する<2>、デューク・エリントンに捧げた楽しい人気曲<5>など、切れ味鋭いかっこよさで美しい展開を聴かせる。DISC2は、長女に捧げた穏やかでメロディアスな人気曲<1>、同胞を鼓舞するファンキーな<3>、アルバムのハイライトとなる<7>など、不思議な旋律や深遠な愛を描く名曲が収められている。(麻路 稔) essential recording Songs in the Key of Life (1976) was the highest high point of Stevie Wonder's career. More sprawling than Innervisions and Talking Book, this two-LP-plus-EP was also less of a consistent stunner than either of those masterworks. That Songs retains an enormous amount of visionary relevance, though, is demonstrated not only in Coolio's borrowing of "Pastime Paradise" as a template for "Gangsta's Paradise," but in the cold-as-ice synthesized string quartet of "Village Ghetto Land." This is Stevie, so naturally that cut's anger is balanced by the ultra-buoyant "I Wish," "Sir Duke," and "Another Star." The 2000 reissue boasts radically improved remastered sound. --Rickey Wright
From Songs in the Key of Life was the highest high-point of Stevie Wonder's career. More sprawling than Innervisions and Talking Book, this 2 LP-plus-EP was also less of a consistent stunner than either of those masterworks. That Songs retains an enormous amount of visionary relevance, though, is demonstrated not only in Coolio's borrowing of "Pastime Paradise" as a template for "Gangsta's Paradise", but in the cold-as-ice synthesized string quartet of "Village Ghetto Land". This is Stevie, so naturally that cut's anger is balanced by the ultra-buoyant "I Wish," "Sir Duke", and "Another Star". --Rickey Wright このレビューは、絶版または入手不可の同タイトルのレビューから転載されています。